Carlo Alberto Nucci
Carlo Alberto Nucci is full professor and head of the Power Systems Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering ‘Guglielmo Marconi’ of the University of Bologna. He is author or co-author of over 300 scientific papers published on peer-reviewed journals or on proceedings of international conferences, of five book chapters edited by IEE (two), Kluwer, Rumanian Academy of Science and WIT press and of a couple of IEEE Standards and some CIGRE technical brochures. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the IET, CIGRE honorary member and has received some best paper/technical international awards, including the CIGRE Technical Committee Award and the ICLP Golde Award. From January 2006 to September 2012 he has served as Chairman of Cigré Study Committee C4 ‘System Technical Performance’. Since January 2010 he is serving as Editor in Chief of the Electric Power Systems Research journal, Elsevier. Prof. Nucci is doctor honoris causa of the University Politehnica of Bucharest and corresponding member of the Bologna Science Academy. He has served as president of the Italian Group of University Professors of Electrical Power Systems (GUSEE) from 2012 to 2015. He is an advisor of the Global Resource Management Program of Doshisha University, Kyoto, supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science. He is the coordinator of the Working Group ‘Smart City’ of the University of Bologna, has been serving as member of the EU Smart City Stakeholder Platform since 2013, and since 2014 is representing PES in the IEEE Smart City Initiatives Program.
Carlo Alberto Nucci nació en Bologna, Italia, en 1956. Recibió el grado de ingeniero electricista (honorario) de la Universidad de Bologna en 1982. Actualmente es profesor de sistemas de potencia eléctrica en el departamento de ingeniería eléctrica de la Universidad de Bologna. Es autor y co-autor de más de 200 artículos científicos publicados en revistas científicas o presentados en conferencias internacionales. Sus temas de investigación incluyen transitorios y dinámica de sistemas de potencia, con particular énfasis en el impacto de rayos en líneas de transmisión, restauración del sistema después de apagones y generación distribuida. Es miembro del grupo de expertos de IEEE “Lightning performance of Distribution lines”. Es presidente del comité de estudio de CIGRE C4 “System Technical Performance” y miembro del instituto de ingeniería y tecnología (IET). Desde 2010ha sido editor de la revista de investigación de sistemas de potencia eléctrica (Electric Power System Research journal). Actualmente es representante de la región 8 en la sociedad de ingeniería PES de IEEE.
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